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Colleges Played ‘Profound' Role in Vaccinating Students

Colleges’ COVID vaccine policies and messaging have a major effect on students’ attitudes toward immunization, a new report from the American College Health Association finds.

Report: Paid Internships Benefit Community College Students

A new report details the benefits of work-based learning opportunities at community colleges and some of the ways these programs...

COVID-19 Mortality and Where You Live: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Dylan H. Roby, associate professor of health, society and behavior at the University of California...

Capital Campaign Watch: Penn College, St. Bonaventure

Starting Out St. Bonaventure University has launched a campaign to raise $125 million by 2025. The college has already raised...

University of Vermont Under Investigation for Antisemitism

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that alleges the University of Vermont failed...

Free Speech and Anti-Blackness

If Carnegie Mellon values diverse views, it shouldn’t have condemned a Black professor’s tweet on Queen Elizabeth II’s death, write Branden D. Elmore and Dwayne K. Wright.

'Stop With the Academic Clickbaiting' on the Humanities

Don't dismiss the efforts of fellow academics—and especially the hard work of junior professors—to keep the humanities vital.

Honors and Awards Can Reduce Productivity: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Markus Baer, professor of organizational behavior at the Olin Business School at Washington University in...