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Blackballed at Arizona?

Faculty members at the University of Arizona say they’ve been blocked from service on a key committee because they’ve criticized the institution in the past. What’s going on?

Why Would-Be Students Aren’t Choosing College

A new study explores why students drop out of college or choose not to enroll.

Colleges, Higher Ed Groups Join Biden Campaign Against Hunger

Colleges and higher education organizations have joined President Biden’s new campaign against hunger. The president announced these commitments: By 2030...

How Hispanic Students Feel About Semester’s Start

Fewer than half of Hispanic students said they were excited about the start of the semester, according to a recent...

Bridging a Growing Divide

A new program spearheaded by the University of Wyoming seeks to prepare rural students for college and bridge a divide between far-flung communities and higher ed institutions in the state.

Survey: Campus Supports Help Save LGBTQ+ Lives

New research by the Trevor Project shows that LGBTQ+ students are at significantly lower risk of suicide if their college offers mental health and LGBTQ+-specific resources.

New Programs: Chemistry, Real Estate, Cannabis Law

Central College has added a bachelor of science in chemistry. Rio Salado College is starting a certificate program in real...

Survey: Most Faculty ‘Happy,’ Those Who Aren’t May Leave

A new survey of 1,024 faculty members at 581 colleges and universities by education technology provider Cengage finds that 64...