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Learning From Rejection

Owen D. V. Sholes shares the insights he gained through the many vicissitudes of trying to get his book published.

Holy Cross Science Complex Renamed for Dr. Anthony Fauci

The College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Mass., announced Monday it will rename its Integrated Science Complex for renowned...

Law Deans, Pre– and Post–COVID-19

The Association of American Law Schools wanted to know how law deans are different now, after the COVID-19 pandemic. So...

Why Teaching Is Harder Than You Think

The pandemic has made certain jobs even harder. In today’s Academic Minute, Winthrop University’s Marshall G. Jones explores one occupation...

Record Applications, Record Rejections

The most competitive colleges and universities in the country got more competitive. But most institutions are still trying to fill their classes.

Oberlin College Loses $31M Appeal

Barring an appeal to Ohio’s Supreme Court, Oberlin College will have to pay out $31 million for supporting false claims that a local bakery discriminated against students of color.

Classroom 911

A professor called campus police on two students who arrived late to class, prompting discussions about better ways to handle classroom disruptions.

New Programs: Accounting, Nursing, Public Policy, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Studies

Bemidji State University is starting a certificate in accounting. Hartwick College is starting a master’s in nursing education and a...