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Grad Assistants at Indiana U Strike for Union, Contract

The Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition at Indiana University at Bloomington, which is affiliated with the United Electrical Workers, went on...

Drag Show at Clemson Infuriates College Republicans

Clemson University’s College Republicans condemned a drag show staged Saturday as part of LGBTQ+ pride week celebrations, prompting outrage among...

Colleges Will Face Economic Challenges This Fall: Moody’s

Two new reports from Moody’s Investors Service warn that colleges and universities face ongoing economic uncertainty for the next academic...

Williams Expands Financial Aid

College, already known for generous packages, is completely eliminating loans from packages and will no longer require students to work—even in the summer.

Molecular-Engineering Cancer Therapeutics

Some of the best engineering successes can be hard to see. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Cornell University College...

Courseware Designed to Close Equity Gaps

Coalitions of companies, colleges and research groups, funded by Gates, will develop digital courses especially aimed at improving learning outcomes for underrepresented students in gateway statistics and chemistry courses.

College Towns Come Back to Life

The COVID-19 pandemic turned college towns into ghost towns, decimating local economies. Now they’re bouncing back, thanks to new initiatives, innovative partnerships—and hungry students.

What Are We Saying When We Thank Students for Sharing?

Students often repeat this handy phrase of praise, but we are not doing them any favors by using it in class—and we’re certainly not helping prepare them for what comes next, writes Rachel Toor.