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Don’t 'Experiment,' Implement (Evidence-based Teaching Practices)

We already know a lot about what works to improve teaching, and it takes a team.

Creating a More Inclusive Medical Workforce

Osteopathic medical colleges take this goal very seriously.

Commencement, With Masks

Drake University had more than 300 COVID-19 cases in the days before Sunday’s commencement and sent most students home. While...

Do ACT and SAT Favor Older Students?

Scholar suggests they do and advises standardized tests to adjust some students’ scores.

Songbirds and Climate Change

The struggles of adapting to climate change are affecting everyone. In today’s Academic Minute, part of SUNY Oneonta Week, Casey...
The U.S. Supreme Court, with its red velvet drapes and white columns.

Making Their Arguments Against Affirmative Action

Thirty-four briefs argue that Harvard and UNC, and other colleges that base their admissions plans on the Grutter decision, should be forced to change.

Are High School GPAs Rising? Should You Care?

ACT says grades are rising. But a testing critic says ACT is exaggerating the problem.

‘Faculty Should Be Outraged’

Soka University of America could fire an LGBTQ writing professor over exposing students to “deviant pornography.” The professor and their supporters say Soka’s crossing a dangerous line.