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Student Spending on Course Materials Fell 22% in 2021–22

Average student spending on college course materials, including textbooks and digital materials, declined 22 percent during the 2021–22 academic year...

College Board Adds Exam in Precalculus

The College Board announced Tuesday that it is creating a new Advanced Placement exam in precalculus. “Without strong preparation in...

Catholic U Barred From Selling ‘Wizard of Oz’ Dress

A judge halted Catholic University’s auction of a dress worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz amid a...

Chinese University Mocked for Online Swimming Test

Shanghai University is being mocked on Chinese social media for an online test of swimming. The South China Morning Post...

New Programs: Game Design, Nutrition, Cybersecurity

City College of the City University of New York is starting a B.S. in game design. Southwest College of Naturopathic...

Lifelong Learning for a Changing Workforce

State universities must step up to address employer demand for tailored, knowledge-based degrees to help employees meaningfully advance in their careers, Jim Shea writes.

What Have We Learned About Digital Learning? Key Podcast

It’s been more than two years since just about every instructor and student was suddenly forced to teach or learn...

Parasites Revisited: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Oneonta Week: Florian Reyda, professor of biology, examines what parasites can tell...