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Report: California Colleges Still Offering Remedial Courses

At least a third of California Community Colleges are still enrolling students in remedial math courses despite state legislation in...

Sleep and Learning: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Yuka Sasaki, research professor in the department of cognitive, linguistic and psychological sciences at Brown...

Arrest Warrants for 46 U of New Hampshire Students for Hazing

Arrest warrants have been issued for 46 University of New Hampshire students, charging them with hazing, CNN reported. The university’s...

Arrest Warrants for 46 UNH Students for Hazing

Arrest warrants have been issued for 46 University of New Hampshire students, charging them with hazing, CNN reported. The university’s...

What’s in Your Dietary Supplement?

What’s in your dietary supplement? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Connecticut’s C. Michael White determines that it might...

The Peer-Review Crisis

The peer-review system, which relies on unpaid volunteers, has long been stressed. COVID-19 has made it worse. Possible solutions include paying reviewers or limiting revise-and-resubmits. Are these Band-Aids on structural problems?

Daniels to Retire at Purdue; Successor Already Named

Mitch Daniels announced his retirement from Purdue on Friday. The Board of Trustees announced on the same day they’d hired an internal candidate. The search did not include public input.

QS Ranks Russian Universities, Contrary to Original Plan

After Russia invaded Ukraine, QS pledged not to rank the country’s universities. But it just did so.