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Less Than 1%

Only 323 of 34,086 learners are eligible to take advantage of Arizona State's MOOCs-for-credit initiative with edX. The university calls it a "positive first step."

'The Pulse': ProctorU's Don Kassner

This month's edition of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Don Kassner, CEO and president of ProctorU, which provides remote proctoring of online exams.

Old School, New Tech

After spending millions on laptops and tablets for all students and upgrading its network infrastructure, Moravian College explores how it can use those investments to "redefine the classroom."

More Findings Against Corinthian

The Education Department says additional campuses at the defunct for-profit chain exaggerated job placement rates, making another 85,000 students eligible for debt relief.

Mao's MOOC Rehabilitation

Has edX become a platform for a Chinese propaganda course?

Going Beyond the Pilot Project

A public university group is backing adaptive learning, with grants to encourage universities to use the personalized digital courseware across multiple introductory courses.

UF Online Reboots

After canceling its online program management partnership with Pearson, can the University of Florida go it alone?

Online Ed for the Underserved

Consortium will award $2.5 million to faculty members and institutions who help underserved students succeed in online classes -- a much-discussed topic at this year's International Conference for Online Learning.