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$85M to Spur Innovation in Science Education

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute on Wednesday invited nearly 200 institutions to compete for $85 million in grants aimed at...

Book Returned to Washington and Lee Library -- 52,858 Days Late

Washington and Lee University has announced the return of a book to its library -- 52,858 days late. The book...

Montana State Professors -- Tenure-Track and Adjunct -- Unionize

In two votes -- one for those on the tenure track and one for adjuncts -- faculty members at Montana...

Critique of the New David Horowitz Book

Free Exchange on Campus has released a detailed critique of David Horowitz's new book, One Party Classroom, which identifies what...

Labor Peace at Yale

Yale University has had a contentious history with its unions. But on Tuesday Yale and the UNITED HERE locals that...

Virginia Tech Concedes Overstepping on Diversity Requirement

Virginia Tech's president has directed the dean of its College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences to rework tenure and...

Floods Shut Valley City State U.

Valley City State University, in North Dakota, has called off classes for the rest of the week because of flooding...

Oregon Sues Fund Manager Over College Savings Losses

Oregon's government on Monday sued the manager of the state's college savings plan, saying the company's risky investments were negligent...