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Another Anonymous Gift for University With Female President

The anonymous donor is back -- this time with $10 million for Michigan State University, most of which will be...

Controversial Chancellor Quits at Stevens Point

Linda Bunnell announced Thursday that she is resigning on May 31 as chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Stevens...

Bird Sculptures Anger UConn Students

University of Connecticut students are angry about an art exhibit in the main library and are pushing to have it...

Tensions Escalate at French Universities

French officials are demanding that university students and professors stop strikes and protests so that regular classes can resume, The...

Prof Fired for Plagiarism Sues Teachers College for $200M

Madonna Constantine has sued Teachers College of Columbia University for $200 million. The New York Post reported that Constantine's suit...

Jacksonville State President Accused of Plagiarism

A lawsuit has accused William Meehan, president of Jacksonville State University, of plagiarizing portions of his dissertation. The Associated Press...

Scrutiny of Trinity of Connecticut on Use of Gift

Trinity College, in Connecticut, is facing scrutiny from the state attorney general over its use of an endowment that was...

UCLA Rally in Defense of Animal Research

Hundreds of scientists and their supporters held a rally at the University of California at Los Angeles to back the...