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Boise State Alters Policies to Allow Funds for Religious Groups

Religiously affiliated groups will now be able to seek student fee money at Boise State University, under an agreement struck...

La. Higher Ed Reform Panel Is Challenged by Sponsor

The Louisiana lawmaker behind legislation creating a commission to study the state's higher education system laid out an aggressive, and...

Scrutiny of Salaries for Ex-Administrators in North Carolina

The University of North Carolina paid $8 million over the last five years in "retreat rights," salaries to help former...

Senate Confirms Leaders for NEH and NIH

The Senate last week confirmed President Obama's nominees -- both popular with academics -- for two agencies that are key...

Idaho State Moves to Fire Dissenting Faculty Member

Idaho State University has suspended, banned from campus, and moved to terminate Habib Sadid, an engineering professor who has been...

Hotel Is Home for 500 Rutgers Students This Year

Rutgers University had to house hundreds of students temporarily in local hotels last year because of campus overcrowding. This year...

Texas Tech Will Woo Children of Alumni Donors

Texas Tech University is starting a major campaign to attract applications from children of alumni donors -- and the effort...

Textbooks on the iPhone

The e-textbook company CourseSmart is making its books available on the iPhone through a deal with Apple, the Wall Street...