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Brandeis Settles Suit on Science Building

Brandeis University has settled a lawsuit challenging its ability to replace a science building. The Wall Street Journal reported that...

Convicted Felon on Community College Board

Gov. Steve Beshear, Democrat from Kentucky, recently appointed a colleague with a rather checkered past to the Board of Directors...

Pushing Back on Requests for Salary Cuts

In this budget year, many faculties (unionized or not) have been asked by administrations to accept salary cuts or freezes...

More Questions on Ghostwriting in Science Journals

An article in The New York Times details the common practice of drug companies offering to ghostwrite articles in scientific...

4 More Trustees Offer to Quit Illinois Board

Four more University of Illinois trustees have volunteered to quit in the wake of a scandal over trustees and politicians...

Pitt Rejects Bequest From Killer

The University of Pittsburgh will not accept a bequest of $225,000 from George Sodini, who opened fire in a health...

More Difficulties for Tariq Ramadan

Erasmus University, in the Netherlands, has fired Tariq Ramadan from a visiting professor position he held, citing his having hosted...

Agnes Scott and American U. Shift Testing Requirements

Agnes Scott College has decided to no longer require the SAT or ACT for admissions. College officials cited research prepared...