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55% of Campuses Report H1N1 Cases, College Health Survey Shows

More than half of the 165 colleges providing information to the American College Health Association reported instances of the H1N1...

Independent Antioch College to Be Created Friday

A final deal to revive Antioch College -- independent of Antioch University -- will be signed Friday. The agreement was...

Upcoming Events in Higher Ed: Academic Renewal, Admissions Counseling, Business Operations, Chief Academic Officers, General and Liberal Studies, Mathematics, Women Administrators

The following meetings, conferences, seminars and other events will be held in the coming weeks in and around higher education...

Oakland U. Faculty Set to Skip Opening of Classes

Oakland University's faculty voted late Wednesday to authorize a strike, and the faculty union urged members to skip today's first...

Student Loan Borrowing Rose Sharply in 2008-9

Students took out 25 percent more in federal student loans in 2008-9 than they did the year before, according to...

412 Stanford Layoffs

In a sign of the impact of the recession on colleges with large endowments, Stanford University announced that total layoffs...

Duncan Praises -- and Challenges -- Historically Black Colleges

WASHINGTON -- Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a gathering of presidents of historically black colleges and universities Wednesday that their...

The Cost of Journals -- and Their Future

A new report from the National Humanities Alliance finds that the average cost per page of a sample of eight...