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Bishops Discuss Catholic Colleges

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops held a closed-door meeting Wednesday to discuss, among other things, relationships between the bishops...

Campus Flu Reports Down, but Survey Captures First 2 Deaths

Colleges and universities reported a 27 percent drop in the number of new cases of likely H1N1 flu, but the...

Tragedy Strikes During Biology Assignment

Jessica Goode, 23, a student at Ferrum College, was shot and killed Tuesday, and another student was shot in the...

Metro State Dismisses Tenured Professor

The board of Metropolitan State College of Denver has voted to fire Angelina De La Torre, a tenured professor of...

Qualities That Promote Transfer

Using community colleges in Texas as models, a new report suggests that there are common features present at colleges that...

Obama Wants to Send 100,000 Students to China

China and the United States on Wednesday announced a series of steps to improve relations between the two countries. One...

Affirmative Action at Israeli Universities

About 2,000 students at Israeli universities were admitted under affirmative action programs designed to diversify the student bodies, according to...

Geographical Society Journals Go to Wiley-Blackwell

Continuing a trend in which nonprofit disciplinary societies are turning to commercial publishers, the American Geographical Society and Wiley-Blackwell on...