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Student Groups and Sunshine Laws

Student organizations that perform "governmental" functions are covered by Wisconsin's sunshine laws with regard to open meetings and records, Wisconsin's...

19 Colleges Probed on Gender Bias in Admissions

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has selected 19 colleges and universities for its controversial probe of whether colleges are...

The Status of Latinos in Higher Ed

A new report, "Taking Stock: Higher Education and Latinos," summarizes research about the progress of Latino students in higher education...

Study Faults Lack of Diversity in Stem Cell Lines

The stem cell lines most commonly used by researchers are lacking in diversity, according to a study by University of...

Georgetown Humor Magazine Accused of Racism

Black students at Georgetown University are protesting the campus humor magazine's attempt to satirize a controversy over race related to...

Showdown in Pittsburgh on Tuition Tax Idea

As negotiations and lobbying continue, Pittsburgh's City Council is slated to vote today on a plan to impose a 1...

Texas Sued Over Immigrant Tuition

An organization that seeks tougher enforcement of immigration laws is suing Texas over a state law that gives in-state tuition...

Another Letter from Washington on Student Loans

The barrage of dueling entreaties and warnings about the future of the federal student loans continued Tuesday, as four leading...