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$100M in Senate Health Bill Is Bid to Help UConn

Sen. Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat, managed to insert a provision in the Senate's version of health care legislation that...

NIH Will Seek New Rules on Conflicts of Interest

The National Institutes of Health is planning to propose new rules for researchers receiving its grants, requiring that they disclose...

Adjunct Sues College President He Videotaped

An adjunct humanities professor has sued the president of Edison Community College, in Ohio, over the president’s refusal to rehire...

Justice vs. Football

The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa already is on record in favor of skipping a few days of classes to...

Egyptian University Will Appeal Niqab Ruling

Ain Shams University, in Cairo, has announced that it will appeal a court ruling allowing its female students to wear...

Parents in California Start to Mobilize Against Tuition Hikes

The large tuition increases have led to many student protests, but now parents are mobilizing as well, the Los Angeles...

Guide for State Lawmakers on College Success

Legislators in some states have taken aggressive steps to improve college success -- and the National Conference of State Legislators...

Gap Found in Canada on Perceived Need for Higher Education

Young English-speaking Canadians are much more likely than their Francophone counterparts to see higher education as essential, according to a...