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Tweet and You Are in the Library of Congress

The Library of Congress has announced that it is archiving every public tweet on Twitter since its inception in 2006...

Middlebury Invests in Online Language Business

Middlebury College, long known for its excellence in foreign languages, is forming a partnership with K12, an education company, to...

Controversy Grows Over Palin Invitation

Controversy is growing over an invitation by the foundation of California State University at Stanislaus to Sarah Palin. Jerry Brown...

Michigan State Ends Retiree Health Benefits for New HIres

Michigan State University announced Tuesday that it is ending the practice of offering retiree health benefits to new employees, starting...

Utah Regent Quits Over Legislative Interference

Anthony Morgan has resigned from the Utah Board of Regents to object to legislative action authorizing a new engineering program...

The Problem of Plagiarism in China

Efforts to build China's academic stature may be hindered by widespread plagiarism, the Associated Press reported. The article noted that...

Berkeley Faulted on Managerial Waste

The University of California at Berkeley has released a consultant's report recommending $75 million in savings through better management, including...