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Kent State Walking Tour for 40th Anniversary of Shootings

Kent State University is marking the 40th anniversary of the May 4, 1970 shootings with a new walking tour --...

The Next Ken Lay Chair

Just as the University of Missouri at Columbia took some ribbing for its Ken Lay Chair in Economics, so Harvard...

Bailout Deal for Alabama College Savings Plan

The Alabama Legislature reached a deal Thursday that will keep the state's prepaid tuition program functioning, the Associated Press reported...

Fraternity Bans Confederate Uniforms

The national leadership of the Kappa Alpha Order has banned members from wearing Confederate uniforms to "Old South" parties that...

California Universities Urged to Admit More Students

California needs to revise its famous master plan for higher education by admitting many more students to universities, according to...

U. of Oregon Ousts General Counsel

The University of Oregon has "reassigned" its general counsel to teach at the law school, The Eugene Register-Guard reported. University...

No Confidence Vote at Columbus State

Faculty members at Columbus State University have voted no confidence in President Tim Mescon and Provost Inessa Levi, by wide...

Racist Facebook Discussion Roils Minnesota-Duluth

Kathryn A. Martin, chancellor of the University of Minnesota at Duluth, on Thursday denounced as “horrendous and despicable” a Facebook...