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The Aftermath in Huntsville

A moving article in Nature tells the story of how the biology department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville...

Marquette Controversy Grows

The controversy over Marquette University's decision to rescind a job offer to be dean of arts and sciences to Jodi...

U. of Oregon Seeks to Trade Appropriations for Endowment

Richard Lariviere, president of the University of Oregon, released a white paper Tuesday that suggests that the state replace annual...

Anger Over a Short Presidential Term at UConn

Michael Hogan's decision to leave the University of Connecticut's presidency for that of the University of Illinois is receiving considerable...

Thurgood Marshall Fund Defends Elena Kagan

Some conservative groups are attacking Elena Kagan, the Supreme Court nominee, for her ties to Thurgood Marshall, for whom she...

Judge Blocks CUNY and SUNY Furloughs

A federal judge on Wednesday issued a temporary restraining order to stop New York State from imposing a one day...

Public Colleges Gain, Privates Lose in Missouri Aid Shift

Missouri lawmakers have approved an overhaul of state student aid programs that will provide more aid to students at public...

An Undocumented Student and Georgia Politics

A student at Kennesaw State University -- who came to the United States with her parents from Mexico when she...