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U.S. Colleges, Citing Violence, Stay Away From Mexico

Many American colleges, citing the violence tied to drug gangs in parts of Mexico, are skipping summer programs there, The...

Recommendations on Nursing Education

Noting the widespread shortage of nurses, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has issued a report, "Charting Nursing's Future," with numerous...

Deep Cuts Projected for LSU

The president of the Louisiana State University System on Thursday warned that the budget may be cut by 23 percent...

College Towns Fared Well During Economic Downturn

An analysis by USA Today has found that college towns experienced more economic growth during the economic downturn that did...

Worldwide Gender Gap in Academic Salaries in Science

A worldwide analysis by Nature of the salaries of men and women in academic science has found that men’s salaries...

East-West Plans Big Raises for Adjuncts

East-West University, which is facing a union drive by its adjuncts, is planning to offer them big raises. A spokesman...

Court Reinstates $277M Judgment Against U. of Phoenix

A federal appeals court on Wednesday overturned a lower court's 2008 decision that shielded the Apollo Group, Inc., from a...

New Rules Proposed for Medical Residents

The 80-hour maximum work week (based on a four-week average) wouldn't be changed under proposed rules for medical residents issued...