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Bid to Stop Union of Research Assistants at Michigan

The University of Michigan Board of Regents has voted, over administrators' objections, to allow research assistants to unionize. But the...

Slow Pace of Title IX Investigations

Under the Obama administration, the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights is gaining a reputation for tougher and speedier enforcement...

Audit Raises Questions on U. of California Spending

A state audit has criticized the University of California at Los Angeles for spending money from a student activities fund...

Brazil Boosts Support for Science Scholarships

The government of Brazil on Tuesday announced a program that will offer 75,000 scholarships and fellowships for Brazilian students and...

Would Students Really Give Up Sex for E-Books?

A full quarter of colleges students would rather wear a chastity belt than a backpack. This according to research commissioned...

Community Colleges and Pell Grants

The American Association of Community Colleges has released a report on community college students and Pell Grants. Among the findings...

Kentucky Attorney General Sues a For-Profit College

Kentucky's attorney general, Jack Conway, on Wednesday sued Daymar College, charging the for-profit institution with overcharging students for textbooks, misleading...