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Former Coach Sues U. of South Florida Over Firing

The University of South Florida's former football coach sued the institution Monday for breach of contract, charging that in firing...

1% of Texas College Students Lack Residency Documentation

About 12,000 students in Texas -- or 1 percent of all college students in the state -- lack the legal...

Trustee of Bankrupt Firm Sues Yale

The trustee for the bankrupt consulting firm BearingPoint is suing Yale University for the $6 million the firm donated to...

OMG! No Texting or Facebook for 24 Hours!

Some professors, concerned that their students are too wired to e-mail, Facebook, and other new media tools, are assigning their...

Butler Rejects Chief Justice as Commencement Speaker

Butler University's faculty has rejected a student proposal to invite John Roberts, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, to...

Arizona Universities Ordered to Cut Payrolls

Arizona's public universities were ordered by the Board of Regents Friday to cut their payroll costs by 2.75 percent, The...

Too Young for Foreign Field Work?

Colin Carlson, a child prodigy who at 13 is a double major (with a 3.9 grade point average) in ecology...

Missouri Gov. Wants to End Aid to Private College Students

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon last week proposed ending the eligibility of private college students for various state aid programs, The...