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Moms Focus on Academics, Not Finances

Women are more likely than men to be actively involved in their children's academic performance and to want to see...

Discussing Student Loan Bill, No Timeline for a Vote

Negotiations on health care reform have pushed virtually every other issue onto the U.S. Senate's back burners this fall. Though...

First Foreign MBA Program in India

Canada's York University this week officially launched the first M.B.A. program in India run by a university from outside India...

Columbia Prof Charged With Assaulting Colleague

Lionel McIntyre, a professor in Columbia University's architecture college, was arrested Monday and charged with assault and harassment of Camille...

Iran vs. Oxford

The Iranian government is condemning the University of Oxford for creating a scholarship in memory of an Iranian woman who...

New Web Site for Veterans

The American Council on Education has launched a new Web site, Today's GI Bill, to help veterans learn about the...

Berkeley Senate Endorses Resolution on Sports Funding

The Academic Senate at the University of California at Berkeley backed a non-binding resolution last week that calls for an...

Quadriplegic Ordered Out of Dorm

A quadriplegic student at East Central University has been ordered to leave a dormitory unless he hires an assistant to...