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A cybersecurity company called Proofpoint has identified a new cyberscam targeted at college students, in which phishers pretend to offer data-entry jobs at bioscience and health-related companies. The scammers then host a mock video interview with the student “candidate.” At that point, Proofpoint researchers believe based on previous scams, they either:

  1. Ask the student to pay them for equipment required to perform the fictitious job, or
  2. Send the student a fraudulent check and ask them to purchase equipment from an illegitimate supplier.

The emails purport to come from real companies, such as Illinois-based Valent BioSciences, and use email addresses that tack “careers” at the end of the company's actual domain name to sound legitimate (like They also use the names of real employees at those companies.

This scam goes back to March of this year, Proofpoint said.