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DePaul University

  • Donna Badowski, nursing

  • Carolina Barrera-Tobon, modern languages

  • Molly Brown, psychology

  • Suzanne Carlberg-Racich, public health

  • Kaveh Ehsani, international studies

  • Jonathan Gemmell, computing

  • Christine Gimbar, accountancy

  • Jill Hopke, communication

  • Daniel Klein, cinematic arts

  • Kendra Knight, communication

  • Michelle Lopez-Rios, theater performance

  • Tanu Malik, computing

  • Sébastien Michenaud, finance

  • Jeffrey Mills, theatre

  • Jason Schneider, writing, rhetoric and discourse

  • Susan Tran, psychology

  • Paige Treebridge, design

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

  • Felicity Aulino, anthropology

  • Jeremiah Wayne Bentley, accounting

  • Nathan W. Chan, resource economics

  • Adam Dahl, political science

  • Elizabeth B Delia, sport management

  • Justin C. Domke, computer science

  • Kimberley Heard Geissler, health promotion and policy

  • Colin J. Gleason, civil and environmental engineering

  • Keisha L. Green, teacher education and curriculum studies

  • Jamie-Rose Guarrine, music and dance

  • Emily D. Heaphy, management

  • Sophie P. Horowitz, philosophy

  • Jonathan Ferris Hulting-Cohen, music and dance

  • Sara E. Jackson, languages, literature and cultures

  • Jungwoo Lee, chemical engineering

  • Yao Li, Mathematics and statistics

  • Joshua P. Michal, music and dance

  • Mark S. Miller, kinesiology

  • Scott L. Monroe, educational policy, research and administration

  • Joonkoo Park, psychological and brain sciences

  • Kalpana Poudel-Tandukar, nursing

  • Margaret M. Stratton, biochemistry/molecular biology

  • Romain Vasseur, physics

  • Garrett Washington, history

  • Mariana Z. Ivanova, languages, literature and cultures

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