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  • Cara Carmichael Aitchison, vice chancellor of the University of St. Mark & St. John, in Britain, has been selected as vice chancellor of Cardiff Metropolitan University, also in Britain.
  • Joe Bertolino, president of Lyndon State College, in Vermont, has been appointed president of Southern Connecticut State University.
  • Chris Day, pro vice chancellor for the faculty of medical sciences at Newcastle University, in Britain, has been promoted to vice chancellor there.
  • Stephen Foster, provost at Texas Chiropractic College, has been promoted to president there.
  • Carole S. Goldsmith, president of West Hills College, in California, has been selected as president of Fresno City College, also in California.
  • Robert Neely, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Texas Woman’s University, has been appointed as vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Maine System.
  • Lawrence Schovanec, provost of Texas Tech University, has been named president there.
  • James A. Sheppard, provost at Southwestern College, in Kansas, has been chosen as president of Thomas University, in Georgia.
  • Helen Tate, associate vice president for academic affairs at Georgia Southwestern State University, has been named provost at Wingate University, in North Carolina.


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