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  • Carol Brown, special assistant to the chancellor of the Dallas County Community College District, in Texas, has been chosen as president of the State University of New York's North Country Community College.
  • Andy Dorsey, vice president of the Westminster campus and college-wide chief academic officer at Front Range Community College, has been named president there.
  • John A. Downey, vice president for instruction and student services at Blue Ridge Community College, in Virginia, has been promoted to president there.
  • William L. Henrich, interim president of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.
  • Cynthia Hoss, director of federal initiatives for technical education for the Kansas Board of Regents, has been appointed provost and chief academic officer at Grantham University, in Missouri.
  • Marc A. Nigliazzo, vice president for Rio Rancho operations and branch academic affairs at the University of New Mexico, has been selected as president of Arizona Western College.
  • George M. Philip, interim president of the State University of New York at Albany, has been appointed to the job on a permanent basis.
  • Margaret Smith, professor of English and former vice president of academic affairs at Bainbridge College, in Georgia, has been named executive vice president and provost at Columbia State Community College, in Tennessee.

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