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  • The College of St. Catherine, in Minnesota, is facing criticism for banning prominent supporters of both John McCain and Barack Obama from campus appearances this week, The Star Tribune reported. College officials said that their desire to preserve a non-political environment led them to call off planned appearances by Bay Buchanan and Hillary Clinton (both of whom are now appearing at different venues in the area). Buchanan denounced the college (and not just over her event, but Clinton's as well). She said of college officials: "It's unbelievable. They are fools. That's unfair to the students."
  • Florida Gulf Coast University settled two gender bias suits after being warned by its lawyer that the university's witnesses in any trial wouldn't be credible, The News-Press reported. As a result, the university paid $3.4 million to two former women's coaches who claimed retaliation and defamation after they complained about the treatment of women's athletics programs. In addition, the university agreed to pay $800,000 to a former general counsel who said she faced retaliation for trying to resolve the complaints.
  • Students at Martin University are protesting a wave of dismissals of faculty members and other employees since the arrival of Algeania Freeman as president, with some sources estimating that half of the university's employees have been replaced, including some who started after Freeman was named to the post in December, The Indianapolis Star reported. Administration officials declined to comment on the students' concerns.
  • Case Western Reserve University has eliminated a $20 million deficit and closed the last fiscal year operating in the black for the first time in four years, The Plain Dealer of Cleveland reported. The deficit -- and resulting budget cuts -- helped force out Edward Hundert as the previous president. Barbara Snyder, who took over as president a year ago, had predicted that it would take longer to eliminate the deficit, and didn't expect it to be gone for another two years.
  • The Educational Testing Service is investigating how some students at a high school outside Los Angeles had access to the SAT they took in October a day before the exam was given, the Los Angeles Times reported.
  • Framingham State College thought it would connect with young alumni with a different fund-raising pitch, but the effort backfired, angering many, The Metro West Daily News reported. The letter's text: "With the recent economic downturn and loan crisis, it has become even more important for Framingham State College to receive your support. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." The college has apologized to alumni.
  • Is nothing sacred to law students? During an annual ball for law students at Tulane University, held this year at the Louisiana Children's Museum, one of the museum's prized objects disappeared. A shoe, actually worn by Fred Rogers on "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," was taken. The blog Above the Law on Tuesday published an e-mail message sent to all law students by Stephen M. Griffin, vice dean of academic affairs. "I'm afraid I cannot overemphasize the gravity of this incident," Griffin wrote. "It appears that one of the students of this Law School committed theft, a serious crime. It is also a violation of the Tulane University Code of Student Conduct. Moreover, what was stolen was of very high value. The stolen item must be returned immediately. Otherwise, the Law School may be forced to pay for the item and future ... events held in venues off campus will be in serious jeopardy." Griffin added that through today the law school would take a "no questions asked" approach to getting the shoe back. Apparently that worked. Griffin, who confirmed the accuracy of the e-mail, said late Tuesday that he was pleased to learn of the shoe's subsequent recovery. The Times-Picayune reported that the museum received a tip that it would find the shoe tied to a pipe beneath a sink in one of the women's bathrooms at the museum. While everyone is pleased with the return of the show, the Above the Law blog wrote: "Stealing Mr. Roger's shoe has to be one of the most cynical things I've ever heard of."

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