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  • All the turmoil in the student loan industry has plenty of lenders and others worried, but you don't need to lose sleep over Sallie Mae. An analysis released Tuesday by Lehman Brothers predicts gains for the student loan giant. With other players leaving the field and the government now worried about keeping entities in lending, Sallie Mae should see its market share and profitability both grow, Lehman Brothers says. A survey released Monday by the Federal Reserve, meanwhile, finds that a majority of the nation's leading banks said they expected to decrease their commitments to making federal student loans in 2008 compared to 2007, and most said they expected a decline in the number of colleges to whose students they make loans.
  • California State University at Fresno has suspended Joe Parks, a tenured professor of education, over comments he made that some interpreted as a threat to bring a gun to class and to start shooting, The Fresno Bee reported. Parks denies making any such threat, and says that he has remarked about how he carried gun when conducting research in dangerous areas.
  • Sen. Barack Obama continues to attract strong support from student and other younger voters. CNN exit polls found that even as Sen. Hillary Clinton was winning a narrow statewide victory in Indiana, Obama won support from 62 percent of voters aged 17-29. In North Carolina, a state Obama won, he received 74 percent of the vote in that age group.
  • Classes have been called off this morning and a prayer service will be held at noon at Our Lady of the Lake University, after a fire Tuesday night left significant damage to the historic Main building. No injuries were reported, but The San Antonio Express-News described an emotional scene as students and nuns at the university watched the destruction of much of a structure that has been the historic center of campus. The newspaper's Web site also features photographs of the scene.
  • A new press -- Open Humanities Press -- has attracted a series of independently published journals and an A-list editorial advisory board to try to encourage and provide support for the expansion of the open access movement in the humanities. The affiliated journals are Cosmos and History, Culture Machine, Fibreculture, Film-Philosophy, International Journal of Zizek Studies, Parrhesia and Vectors.
  • Business schools in the United States and elsewhere all need to take a more global approach to education, according to a new report by the Global Foundation for Management Education.

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