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  • Kay Hall Albertson, vice president of academic affairs and student services at Wayne Community College, in North Carolina, has been promoted to president there.
  • Daniel O. Bernstine, president of Portland State University, in Oregon, has been chosen as president of the Law School Admission Council.
  • Joseph Brosnan, vice president for strategic planning and external affairs at Columbia University's Teachers College, has been named president at Delaware Valley College.
  • Arthur Garson, vice president and dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, has been promoted to vice president and provost of the university.
  • Gregory Mahler, provost at Kalamazoo College, in Michigan, has been selected as academic dean and vice president for academic affairs at Earlham College, in Indiana.
  • Mary E. Morton, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and a professor of biology at the University of Dayton, in Ohio, has been named provost and vice president for academic affairs at Gustavus Adolphus College, in Minnesota.
  • Earl H. Potter, executive vice president and provost at Southern Oregon State U., has been chosen as president of St. Cloud State University, in Minnesota.
  • Ray D. Ryan, provost of Cardean University, has been selected as provost at Sierra Nevada College.
  • Carol S. Zajac, regional dean for Empire State College, in New York, has been named president of DeVry Institute of Technology's New York City Metro branch.

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