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  • Darrell G. Kirch, the new president of the Association of American Medical Colleges, used his inaugural address Sunday to call for the group's members to push for "the public good." Kirch criticized the erosion of financial aid for medical students -- and also questioned the attitudes of medical school leaders who seek earmarks and special treatment from lawmakers. Medical schools need to get "their own houses in order," Kirch said.
  • Harvard University is expanding its recruitment efforts for low-income applicants by shifting the emphasis of its British outreach efforts to state-run schools, The Financial Times reported. Most British applicants to Harvard have come from elite private schools.
  • A new project coordinated by Yale University, the United Nations, and scientific publishers will provide free access to online journals in the environmental sciences to researchers in dozens of developing nations.
  • High school students who participate in "dual enrollment" programs in which they take some college courses while still in high school have higher college completion rates than do other students, according to a new study by the American Youth Policy Forum.
  • Like higher education in the United States, Canadian colleges are experiencing an increasing gender gap, in which female students are dominating enrollments while women are seeing dramatic increases in faculty and administrative appointments, The Globe and Mail reported.
  • A group that represents French university students says that up to 2 percent of students are working in the sex trade -- as prostitutes or providing Webcam striptease shows -- to pay their tuition bills, The Independent reported. The student group based its findings on a survey of students at the University of Toulouse, and some vice experts said the trend was real. Others told The Independent that the real trend is that more prostitutes are pretending to be French students.

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