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  • A tentative agreement Sunday evening averted a strike by faculty members at Ferris State University. Professors had voted to strike today, the first day of classes, in a dispute over contract provisions on salaries and health insurance. A spokesman for the Michigan university said that he could confirm that a tentative settlement had been reached, but did not want to release details until the contract is ratified. The local NBC station reported that faculty members would receive a 2 percent raise this year, followed by 3 percent increases in each of the next two years.
  • Lakehead University, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, has started a new campaign based on attacking President Bush and his alma mater, Yale University. A new poster campaign in Toronto features an image of the president, the headline "Yale Shmale," and the tag line "Graduating from an Ivy League university doesn't necessarily mean you're smart." Fred Gilbert, president of Lakehead, told The Toronto Star that some have criticized the campaign. He said that the idea was "to poke a little fun" and to draw attention to his institution, which is north of Lake Superior and not well known.
  • More than 20 civil rights groups are backing an appeal by two women suing the University of Colorado over allegations that its failure to control its football team led to their sexual assaults, The Denver Post reported. While Colorado officials have acknowledged many problems with the football program, they have denied responsibility for what happened to the women suing, and the university won a dismissal of the case by a federal district court judge. The civil rights groups are urging a federal appeals court to reverse that decision.
  • Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, in remarks at a press conference Thursday, said that rising college costs may encourage families to have fewer children, The Chicago Tribune reported. He said one solution might be to add a fifth year of high school, while cutting one year of undergraduate college programs.
  • Police have charged a former graduate student, who was forced to leave a program at Loyola College in Maryland, of setting fire to a former professor's home Thursday night, The York Daily Record reported. The professor and his family were asleep at the time, but escaped unharmed. While attempts by disgruntled students and former students to kill professors are rare, they do happen, and typically the murderers are male.
  • One measure of law school prestige has always been the number of graduates selected for clerkships at the U.S. Supreme Court. Brian Leiter, a law and philosophy professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has published a new analysis of the trends, reflecting the rightward tilt of the court. While the law schools at Harvard and Yale Universities and the University of Chicago retain their top spots, Leiter notes that there have been significant gains by the University of Notre Dame and Brigham Young University.

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