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  • At least 20 states are planning to put more money into higher education in fiscal 2007, according to a preliminary report released Tuesday by the National Conference of State Legislatures. The report said that many states were enjoying unanticipated revenues, and that education was among the top priorities for the extra funds.
  • Western Michigan University's president, Judith I. Bailey, was fired by the institution's board Tuesday. Board members had criticized her over enrollment declines and budget issues, but she defended her performance and said she did not deserve to be dismissed.
  • Sierra Nevada College announced Tuesday that it is in discussions with the University of Nevada at Reno and the Desert Research Institute (a research arm of the Nevada System of Higher Education) about alliances. Last week, Sierra Nevada leaders told students and faculty members that the college lacked resources to continue as an independent institution indefinitely and was undertaking discussions with a number of entities about mergers. Tuesday's announcement indicated that other discussions about alliances are continuing with both nonprofit and for-profit colleges.
  • A new report from the Educational Policy Institute compares the effectiveness in various countries of aid programs designed to encourage law-income students to go to college.
  • A student who was chased by a wild boar at Florida Gulf Coast University is suing the institution, saying that its failure to control the boar population led to the incident, in which she fell and suffered permanent scars and other injuries, The New Press reported. University officials declined to comment, citing a policy of not discussing litigation. The student is seeking at least $15,000.

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