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  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation plans to announce today that it is giving an additional $58 million to expand its Millennium Scholars program to add scholarships for minority students planning careers in public health, the Associated Press reported. The foundation created the scholarship program for talented minority students with $1 billion. The additional funds will support scholarships for minority students seeking graduate degrees in epidemiology, biomedical science, tropical disease, public health practice and nutritional science, the AP reported. The Gates Foundation has made public health a major emphasis of its philanthropy.
  • Mike Davis, president of Pueblo Community College, was killed Thursday when the private plane he was flying crashed. Davis, president at Pueblo since 2001, was en route to the Durango branch of the Colorado community college.
  • Dozens of Iranians headed to California for an international reunion of alumni of the Sharif University of Technology, a top institution in Iran, had their visas revoked at the last minute and were detained or deported when they arrived in the United States, the Los Angeles Times reported.
  • The U.S. Justice Department has announced a settlement with Colorado College over the institution's facilities and whether they are in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The settlement does not involve the college admitting to wrongdoing, but it does pledge a series of improvements and reports. The department announced a similar agreement with the University of Chicago last month, and a Justice Department spokeswoman said then that a series of compliance reviews were taking place at other colleges.
  • Crown College of Tacoma has agreed to pay more than $87,000 to six students who sued the for-profit institution, saying it misled them about which institutions would accept transfer credit from Crown, The Seattle Times reported. Crown has consistently denied misleading anyone, but this is the third time that it has settled or lost such cases, the newspaper reported.
  • Almost 40 percent of British academics believe their academic freedom is under attack, and that their views could affect their ability to remain at their institutions, according to a new poll from The Times Higher Education Supplement.

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