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  • A powerful New York State senator has issued a subpoena to the College Board for documents that include a study of SAT scoring errors that the board's president, Gaston Caperton, had earlier promised to give lawmakers. College Board officials have said that they were holding back the study because the board has been sued over the SAT scoring errors. But Sen. Kenneth P. LaValle, chairman of the Higher Education Committee, blasted the College Board, saying that its "approach to problems is to shroud them in secrecy." He added that this approach "gives rise to greater questions as to their true purpose." A spokeswoman for the College Board said that it had been trying to cooperate with LaValle's committee and would continue to do so. But she said that the board has received "a very broad subpoena on very short notice" and that "anyone" would have a difficult time meeting the Friday deadline.
  • The chancellor of Alabama's community college system was fired Tuesday. The Associated Press reported that board members were criticial of Roy Johnson in part because of concerns over nepotism issues because the system employs several of his family members. But the AP also reported that the interim chancellor appointed by the board to replace Johnson reported that her husband, daughter, son-in-law and brother are all employed by the two-year college system.
  • Economic diversity is declining at 22 private colleges in California that were analyzed in a report issued Tuesday by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Claremont Graduate University and the James Irvine Foundation. At the colleges analyzed, the percentages of students receiving Pell Grants and of minority students receiving Pell Grants declined from 2000 to 2004. The report found that much of the growth in minority enrollments during that period came from those who are not from low-income families.
  • Johnnetta Cole announced Tuesday that she would leave the presidency of Bennett College next year, after five years in office. Cole is widely credited for a financial turnaround at Bennett, a historically black women's college in North Carolina. She nearly quit last year, citing the way a minority of people affiliated with the college were blocking her reform plans, but she agreed to stay on at the behest of faculty members and students.
  • Ohio University's chief information officer, William F. Sams, announced Tuesday that he was resigning, following a series of hacking incidents that have embarrassed the university and enraged many people whose data may have been vulnerable.
  • Among the photos used in a recruiting handout for the student newspaper at North Carolina State University student newspaper was one of a copy editor being embraced by a group of men clad in thong underwear. Officials at the university didn't like the idea of the handout going to new students and the provost pulled the handout, according to the Student Press Law Center.

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