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  • Montana State University will take a "serious look at itself" in the wake of two former athletes being arrested for murder, President Geoff Gamble told the Associated Press. The athletes, who dropped out without degrees, are charged in the murder of a suspected cocaine dealer whose body was found on a Montana State agronomy farm. Gamble said that he was assembling university leaders to consider the implications of the arrests.
  • Capital University, which has been fighting deficits for several years now, announced a series of cuts on Thursday that will eliminate 75 positions -- none of them faculty jobs -- at the Columbus, Ohio institution. Among the most dramatic cuts are the elimination of continuing education centers in Cleveland, Dayton and downtown Columbus.
  • The University of the Incarnate Word on Friday announced that a library dean had changed his mind and would renew The New York Times, which he had canceled to protest the newspaper's articles about the Bush administration's anti-terrorism activities, The San Antonio Express-News reported. Many faculty members and librarians had been outraged by the decision to cancel the subscription.
  • A Massachusetts judge on Friday granted Philip Pergola a temporary restraining order to prevent his dismissal as chief financial officer of Massasoit Community College, The Enterprise at South Boston reported. Pergola had sued, saying he is being dismissed for documenting that some professors earn bonus money for teaching extra courses even though they do not teach a full load of courses.
  • Twenty-seven of the 30 trustees of LeMoyne-Owen College have resigned, paving the way for a gift of $2.5 million that was pledged on the condition that board members quit, according to ABC 24. The historically black college in Memphis has been seriously short on cash, leading to pressure to accept the gift and the terms.
  • North Dakota's chancellor of higher education, Robert Potts, will leave his position August 1, citing the failure of his board to give him clear authority over campus presidents, the Associated Press reported. Potts has said that the president of North Dakota State University, Joe Chapman, was undermining his authority, although Chapman said that he did not know the source of the tensions.
  • The Broad Institute, a joint research organization of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is caught in a battle between its mission and the drug companies that finance it, The Boston Globe reported. The institute tries to create molecules that could be used to develop and distribute new drugs, but one of the institute's sponsors is suing another to block distribution of new drugs, the Globe reported.
  • Public colleges in New Jersey will operate as usual today despite a government shutdown ordered Saturday by Gov. Jon Corzine, after he and Democratic legislators were unable to reach agreement on a 2007 budget by the June 30 deadline for doing so. As of late last week, political leaders in the state had agreed to restore about $120 million of the nearly $300 million that Corzine had proposed cutting from the budgets of colleges in the state, but the Democratic governor and his party mates that control the Legislature were unable to agree on Corzine's plan to raise the state sales tax from 6 to 7 percent. Colleges could be forced to close if the budget battle isn't resolved by the middle of the week.
  • Stanford University paid more than $2 million in legal fees to a firm headed by a Stanford trustee, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. While Stanford defended the arrangement and it is not illegal, it is the type of apparent conflict of interest that for-profit companies increasingly try to avoid, the newspaper reported.

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