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  • The board of the College of New Jersey has authorized the institution to impose a one-week furlough in January because of budget cuts -- and the faculty union is threatening to go to court to block the idea, The Trenton Times reported.
  • Members of the American Medical Association voted Tuesday to call on colleges to improve the access students have to mental health treatment -- both by expanding resources and by making sure that relevant health insurance is in place.
  • The National Science Foundation has released a detailed statistical report on federal support for research and development in 2003. The report, which is an expanded version of information initially released and reported on last fall, includes breakdowns by agency and discipline and a list of the 100 colleges and universities that received the most in research funds.
  • Dalibor Sames, a professor of chemistry at Columbia University, has retracted four scholarly papers -- on top of two previously retracted -- when results could not be reproduced, The New York Times reported.
  • The University of Wisconsin has filed suit against a company that produces several popular diet supplements, charging that they are produced in part through infringing on patents owned by the university, the Associated Press reported.

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