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  • Joel Beinin, a Middle Eastern studies professor at Stanford University, has filed a suit because his photograph is among those on the cover of a new David Horowitz edited book called Campus Support for Terrorism, The San Jose Mercury News reported. Beinin says that he doesn't support terrorism and that his support for Palestinian causes should not be confused with backing violence. Horowitz says that says that he has a different view of Beinin and a free speech right to express it.
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute announced Wednesday that it is creating a $100 million Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations, which is being billed as the most powerful university-based supercomputing center. IBM and New York State are also participating in the project.
  • Vermont authorities have issued $1,000 fines to four members of Phi Gamma Delta for anti-gay hazing activities, the Associated Press reported. The fraternity was found to have forced pledges to dress as cowboys while being subjected to anti-gay slurs. The hazing was based in the movie Brokeback Mountain.
  • The University of Texas at Arlington has removed 123 international flags from one of its buidlings, following protest over the latest flag added -- from Vietnam, The Dallas Morning News reported. The flags are designed to represent the many international students at the university. But students from Vietnam and legislators in Texas said that the Vietnamese flag supported a repressive government and university officials said that they feared that they would be punished in the next legislative session for having the flag up.
  • Johnny Lechner, who has been an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater for 12 years, had said he would graduate this year, but he's put it off again, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Lechner's lengthy undergraduate career has led to numerous television appearances and he's tried to generate publicity and add fans through his Web site. Some at Whitewater, however, think that his story doesn't reflect well on the institution. Lechner told the Milwaukee paper that he hopes to use another year at the university in part for study abroad.

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