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  • The number of Chinese students granted visas to study in the United States increased by 25 percent last year, topping 20,000 for the first time since 2001, the Associated Press reported.
  • The Colorado Institute of Technology, founded in 2000 with the hopes of becoming a major player in engineering and technology education, announced that it is shutting down in April. Board members cited the evolving work force and economy in Colorado.
  • William E. Kirwan, chancellor of the University System of Maryland, will lead a panel of state college and university officials trying to develop recommendations on a new voluntary system of measuring and improving student learning and accountability. The panel is a joint effort of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The idea for the new system comes at a time of increased federal scrutiny of whether colleges have good systems in place to measure what they do and how well they perform.
  • Teaching assistants at Western Michigan University voted to unionize this week. They will be represented by a chapter of the American Federation of Teachers.
  • A federal jury awarded $58,000 to two women who used to be pharmacy professors at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, the AP reported. The women won the money for their claim that they were not paid as much as comparable male colleagues. But the women lost in another part of their suit, in which they said that they were denied tenure because of their gender.
  • At the last minute Thursday, Macalester College called off a marijuana festival organized by the Minnesota college's CHEEBA Club, The St. Paul Pioneer Press reported (CHEEBA stands for Creating a Harmless Environment to Enjoy Buds Appropriately.)  Student organizers said that the "festival" was a rally to express their opposition to marijuana laws. But college officials said that they worried that some people might be confused by posters promoting the event into thinking the festival was an event at which to smoke pot. According to the St. Paul paper, posters promoting the event featured two squirrels sitting next to a marijuana plant, passing a joint.
  • Employers project substantial increases in hiring new college graduates this year, according to a study released by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

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