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  • A local library director insisted on a warrant when Federal Bureau of Investigation officials showed up this month seeking access to computers to check out an alleged threat against Brandeis University, American Libraries reported. The librarian provided access to the computers only when the FBI returned later with a warrant -- and then only to a limited number of relevant computers.
  • A University of Minnesota-Twin Cities student is receiving public support -- and some cash offers -- after people learned that he offered proof that no good deed goes unpunished, The Star Tribune reported. The student called the police in December to say that he was at a hotel with other students, including one woman who as passed out. While such calls are widely believed by experts on student drinking to save student lives, the student who called in was given a ticket for underage drinking.
  • The University of Oxford has decided to require new students to sign contracts pledging to attend lectures and do other necessary work, The Times of London reported. The contracts are designed to prevent lawsuits, which are becoming increasingly common in British higher education.

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