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  • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced Thursday that it has fired Luk Van Parijs as associate professor of biology after he admitted to fabricating and falsifying research data. The MIT statement said that no other members of Van Parijs's team were involved in the misconduct, and that MIT was forwarding its findings to federal officials. Van Parijs was not available for comment, but he told The Boston Globe that he was "shocked at the timing and the manner in which MIT made the announcement."
  • The University of Michigan released enrollment figures Wednesday showing that black enrollment is back to where it was prior to a lawsuit over affirmative action that eventually reached the U.S. Supreme Court. While Michigan won the right to continue to use affirmative action in that case, the university has blamed publicity over the suit and changes in admissions procedures made to comply with the Supreme Court's decision for enrollment declines in recent years.
  • The National Collegiate Athletic Association on Thursday placed the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on probation for one year for major violations that involved payments by a booster to a football recruit who eventually enrolled at the institution. The association did not impose any penalties on the university, which disassociated the booster from its sports program.
  • The University of Kentucky has dropped appeals of a court fight over the position of student body president, The Lexington Herald-Leader reported. The battle -- with multiple charges of rules violations -- worked its way through the university's judicial system and the state courts. The second place finisher is now the victor.
  • A student who broke his hip during an accident involving Jell-O wrestling (wrestling in a children's pool full of Jell-O) is suing New York University for failing to prevent the incident, The New York Post reported. NYU officials told the paper they had not seen the suit.

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