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People watering flowers that grow out of a globe, while person on side directs them with a megaphone

The Pros and Cons of Ceding Control

Something’s to be said for students seeing a professor step out from behind the lectern and face uncertainty with a sense of calmness and confidence, writes Mike Land.

Computer with handcuffs on top of it sits in front of a blackboard

Overcoming the Digital Divide With No Digital

Carrie Rogers-Whitehead shares the challenges faculty members can encounter teaching classes in prisons that have few, if any, basic technological tools.

Professor moves a whiteboard into a secluded space from which you can see a larger classroom

Helping Neurodiverse Students Learn Through New Classroom Design

Michael Tyre offers some insights into how architects and administrators can work together to create better learning environments for everyone.

Group of students sitting at a table; some are raising sticks that have thumbs up, and some are raising those that have thumbs down

Against Argument

By focusing on it, students may better understand different perspectives on an issue, Scott Parker writes, but will they also lose sight of their own?

A student with her forehead against a chalkboard with math equations on it

Minding the Perception Gap in College Math Classrooms and Beyond

Math educator Sheila Tabanli offers three instructional strategies that instructors teaching the “most hated subject” can integrate into courses to create a community of learners focused on compassion and connection.

A male and female student stand on either side of a mortarboard with a pole sticking out of it with signs pointing in two different directions

Increasing Student Motivation Through Assignment Choice

Offering options helps make them more affirming and meaningful, which ultimately increases student learning, writes Christine Harrington.

Robot hand holds magnifying glass as if to look closely and assess something

The Imperfect Tutor: Grading, Feedback and AI

Patricia Taylor has found using AI takes more time and creates more problems than not if instructors want students to get meaningful feedback on their work.

View of the back of the head of an instructor lecturing a diverse classroom

Teaching English in a Chinese Way

Many academics criticize traditional lectures as being too passive and old-fashioned, but they actually help enhance pedagogical diversity, writes Xinqiang Li.