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What Kind of Welcome?

Nearly all students want choice in some of the orientation sessions they’ll attend, according to a new Student Voice survey. Topics of interest include internships and career planning, mental health, time management, and study skills.

Seeking Connection

How can technology help promote student involvement in campus life? In this infographic, Student Voice survey respondents share their thoughts on how tech can make them feel more connected.

Presidents Break With Supreme Court on Affirmative Action

Most college and university presidents disagree with the decision on race-conscious admissions and think it will reduce diversity in higher education—just not at their institutions, a new survey finds.

Campus Involvement: The Tech Connection

Some students say they lack awareness of campus events and activities, according to new Student Voice survey findings. Many want a comprehensive campus events calendar and see technology as a way to enhance campus involvement.

So Little Time, Not Enough Help With Time Management?

Students are interested in a variety of offerings for help with time management, according to the Student Voice survey on the college experience. High on the list are comprehensive syllabi, help with overall scheduling and social supports.

Following the Leaders: Understanding and Promoting Student Leadership

Student Voice results show that students with certain advantages are more likely to have held leadership positions on campus than peers. Here’s why that matters and what institutions can do to help boost students’ leadership creds.

Survey: Inequities in Student Involvement

Student Voice data reveal disparities in who’s participating in campus life outside the classroom—and opportunities for closing these gaps.

Registering for Classes—3 Semesters at a Time

Alamo Colleges is allowing students to register for up to three semesters’ worth of classes at once, to reduce uncertainty and better accommodate students’ complex schedules.