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My wife and I gave our daughter a choice for her sixteenth birthday. If she wanted, she could have a party or we could go on a family cruise.


The latest NACUBO survey of tuition discounting is more bad news, but not surprising news, for private higher education.

Commencement Remarks

As the president of my local school board I have the pleasure of making remarks at the high school graduation.


The tenure system needs to change — not in any fundamental way but rather to be closer to what tenure used to mean and represent.

Long Term Needs

At the time that I stood for tenure, I was the only untenured person in the economics department.


I am a car person. I read car magazines for relaxation, I go to automobile shows, and of course I appreciate the economic impact of the automobile industry.

Smart Phones and Not So Smart Users

Sitting next to me at a middle school concert was a person I did not know. But continuously during the concert she kept looking at her smart phone, kept reading messages and kept texting.

Search Guidelines

Every time we do a search, we review our parameters and at this point in time, we know what we want in terms of a search process and what works well.