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The Community College Proposal

There is no question that the credentials required for more and more job opportunities include more and more education. Opportunities that in the past required a high school education now require a college degree.

International Students

I am a tremendous supporter of international students studying on our campuses. When these students ultimately return to their home countries they foster greater international understanding.


As an economist, I always pay attention to Black Friday or day after Thanksgiving sales.

More Involvement Needed

The accreditation process has gotten substantially better over time by being much more focused on the outcome measures.

Double or Nothing

An article from the Orlando Sentinel noted that University of Central Florida students were protesting a Florida law that students who “take at least 10 percent more credits than required for their degree will pay double for the extra classes.”

On The Town, Bat Boy, etc.

I recently attended the latest Broadway revival of On The Town.

A Matter of Degree

I was dusting my laminated diplomas a few days ago and was reminded that neither my bachelor’s degree nor my Ph.D. has a major listed on it.


There are always issues with bureaucracies, whether in education, in health care, or in any field you can think of. We always strive to do better, but there are always problems.