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Thinking about “Passion”

Some follow-up thoughts on a much-maligned concept.

Pedagogies of Care: A #MoocMooc Post

Thinking through my new role as a Faculty Developer in terms of critical and feminist pedagogy.

Wishes for 2015

I'm looking forward (sort of) rather than looking behind. And the situation at ASU is terrible.

Who Am I Now?

Facing the fact that I've changed, and so too has this space.

On Fear and Peer-Driven Learning

Confronting the "what if's" and our own insecurities.

Seven Years

Being thankful for the opportunity to change.

Skills Inventory

I'm preparing for an alt-ac workshop for grad students on this campus, and I came across this unpublished blog post from last March when I was in the throes of looking for an alt-ac job.