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On Grading, Assessment and Learning

Not teaching, and thus not grading, this semester has left me some space to think about the most important part of the learning process.

Be Prepared

Being totally unprepared to coach my son's soccer team led me to reflect on how much more preparation I had to coach and teach swimming, versus the preparation I didn't have when I started teaching.

Five Years

I've been blogging and tweeting for five years. It seems longer.

Tales from a MOOC, Part 1

I'm taking another MOOC, and for my first blog assignment, I reflect on dropping out of another MOOC.

National Adjunct Walkout Day

It's a big step forward that this kind of mobilization is happening.

Take-Away From the Gates Report on Faculty

Some thoughts on the latest report on faculty educational technology use.

A Change of Heart

My story of when "just fine" was no longer good enough.

Define 'Just Fine'

For many, things aren't "just fine" when it comes to support for their teaching.