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Group of colorful star stickers

Give Yourself a Sticker

We encourage our students to acknowledge the challenges of their work, set boundaries and take breaks, Sasha Bianca Goldman writes. But do we take our own advice?

Students of different nationalities with a book and computer or standing

A New Career Model to Support International Ph.D.s and Postdocs

Too many have limited knowledge about how to navigate career moves and remain in the United States legally, write Priya Date and Yi Hao.

International student stands, holding a textbook, in front of a college building

Finding Strength in the Struggle

Roshni Rao describes how she discovered that progress as an international scholar demands active self-advocacy, not just adaptation.

Woman standing in a brightly lit open door looking into a room with the pathway displaying a large question mark

Dealing With Career Culture Shocks

Understanding their basic pattern can help you succeed, whether you’re learning a new academic institution, organization or sector, writes Vanessa Doriott Anderson.

magnifying glass looks at letter with check marks that correspond to check marks on four little papers on the side--implying someone has "checked all the boxes"

Cultivating References Over the Long Haul

Kay Kimball Gruder describes how to be more intentional about this career practice so it’s a great process for you and those you ask for a recommendation.

Robot arm holds up man holding briefcase and looking ahead through a telescope as if seeking something

How Best to Use AI in Job Searches

Ketan Marballi describes how to make the most of technology like ChatGPT and applicant tracking systems without losing your own voice in your application documents.

Mortar board sits on array of money bills alongside a globe

The Need for Federal Support of STEM Training

Congress should fund professional development for grad students and postdocs to enhance our nation’s global competitiveness, and university administrators should advocate for such legislative appropriations, writes Adriana Bankston.

Illustration of woman sitting hovering above desk looking distracted by numerous items including a phone and a clock floating above

What Happens When You Think Too Much?

How can you learn to settle down your runaway thoughts, Victoria McGovern asks, so you can focus on doing work you need to complete your graduate degree?