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Addressing the Crisis in Academic Publishing

We must find ways to ensure that equal respect, recognition and reward is given to excellence in teaching, research and service by institutional leaders, governments, publishers, university ranking and accreditation schemes.

Ethical Quandaries for Higher Education

If we cancel academic engagement with a country when we are shocked by something the government has done, then we cede international relations to economic, political and military interests.

#YouAreWelcomeWhere? A Call to Action

The U.S. is an extremely violent country when compared with peer nations in the industrialized world, many that are friendly competitors that host large numbers of international students.

Public Institutions in India Consider New Methods of Financing

Provincial-level private higher education in India has shifted from a mostly public-funded system to a mostly private-funded system, putting increased pressure on family contributions.

Russia’s Rankings Aspiration and Moscow State

Putin has declared the goal of getting five Russian universities into the top 100 in world university rankings by 2020 one of the nation’s top priorities for research and education, an initiative known as Project 5/100.

Advancing Employability Through a Labor Market Information System

Producing the right number and mix of graduates the labor market can absorb remains one of the major challenges of many higher education systems.

Why Can’t We Just Get Along? Private and Public Higher Education in Latin America

Where the private sector is young, there has been persistent doubts about the quality of their “product”.

Canada’s Affordability Policies Are Worth a Good Long Look

Canada is perhaps the one country which is getting “high tuition/high aid” right, and for that reason is worth careful study.