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Are colleges that expose confidential student records vulnerable to class-action lawsuits? No.

Nice try, Mr. Grande, the plaintiff's lawyer, but I don't suspect there will be any cigars. Many articles on the...

Social Media and Labor Law

The National Labor Relations Board decision to make termination for cause illegal in the case of an employee’s post on...

Who's Watching the Store?

I was sitting in a session on InCommon at Internet 2 this week when I noticed my spouse’s name pop...

CALEA Revisited

Remember CALEA? In 2005 higher education government affairs and information technology specialists held forth against the potential for configuration requirements...

The Information Cage

The Information Cage TECHNOLOGY | October 23, 2010 Marketers Can Glean Private Data on Facebook This issue of targeted advertising...

Sexuality, Technology and Student Life

How is the young man who was in the room with Mr. Clementi doing? Thankfully, for him, we don't know...

Get Off the Ropes!

Not-for-profit higher education faces numerous and serious challenges in contemporary global society: international competition in its “marketplace;” reduced government support...

Google, Verizon and the F.C.C.

Sometimes if you just wait long enough, everything falls into place. In terms of the ideas, that is what has...